Music at St George's
St George's has a rich musical heritage and we offer our best to God through our music. There is a regular robed choir, open to all. Once a month, we invite a professional cantor to sing at our 10.30am Parish Eucharist. We use a variety of traditional/contemporary Mass settings and hymns.
We are a music-friendly church. We are connected to the musical world of Birmingham and beyond through our use as a performance venue, through our links to B'Opera and through the work of our talented Director of Music. We are keen to support and celebrate local musicians of all kinds.

St. George’s robed Choir is made up of enthusiastic volunteers who meet typically on Friday evenings to rehearse. The robed choir sings on at least one Sunday a month and major festivals.
Their repertoire is comprised of music from the standard church music repertoire and pieces which have been composed over the years by choristers and directors of music.
Our Director of Music, Phil Ypres-Smith, is always looking to sign up new singers. If you are interested in joining the choir please contact him.
St George's Choir
The Organ
Since 1838 when the church was first built, there have been a number of iterations of the organ. Our current instrument, a Phoenix digital organ, dates from 2004. For a full history of the organs at St. George's Church courtesy of Dr. Jim Berrow, click here.