Sundays at St George's
8am Holy Communion
A celebration of Holy Communion in the traditional form found in the 1662 Book of Common Prayer. Quiet, peaceful and contemplative.
10.30am Parish Eucharist
with music and Junior Church
Our main act of worship which is usually a Eucharist (Holy Communion, Mass).
We hear the Scriptures proclaimed and receive teaching relevant to modern life; we share in the sacrament together. St George's choir, a cantor, or music group sings the Mass setting.
Children under 11 are welcomed to Junior Church, and young people 11-18 are encouraged to take roles serving in worship. Once a month and on special festivals, we share in an All-Age Eucharist and learn together in church.
5pm Evening Worship
From 4.30pm church is open for quiet prayer by candlelight. At 5pm a simple form of Evening Prayer is said. All are welcome. On special days, Choral Evensong is sung.
Weekdays at St George's
A small group gathers in church at 9am Tuesday-Friday for Morning Prayer. Everyone is welcome.
A short, simple Eucharist is celebrated every Tuesday at 9.30am and every Thursday at 11.30am. On the second Thursday of the month this is followed by a free shared lunch to which all are welcome.
The Eucharist is often celebrated on saints' days. Check our latest pewsheet for times and details.
On the special festivals of the year we keep a Sung Eucharist in church. Incense and other ceremonies to show our love and reverence for God are used on these occasions.

I'm New
What will it be like?
You will be warmly welcomed by a guide at the church door. You'll meet people of many different backgrounds and across the generations. You will find St George's a friendly and caring community.
What style of worship will I experience?
The worship at St George's is in the Catholic tradition of the Church of England, drawing on a range of styles. It can be formal and reverent, but is also relaxed. We enjoy the high holy moments but we also have a sense of humour. What matters most to us is worshipping God and getting to know and love God better.
Can I bring children?
Yes! Junior Church runs at the 10.30am service. Children are welcome in all aspects of church life. Please don't ever worry about the noises they make or what they do! We love to see them. We encourage young people aged 11-18 to engage with preaching and liturgy.
Is St George's an accessible church?
There is step-free access at the south entrance and ample space for wheelchairs inside church. Our automated doors enable independent access to church. We have a fully accessible toilet.