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Pew Sheet (attached)
Messages from the vicar below
Invitation to Bring and Share Lunch - Sunday 29th January
We will be celebrating this Sunday as two recent joiners to St George's, Babak and Sahar, are baptised at the 10.30am service. We also warmly welcome all our parishioners and friends to a "bring & share" lunch from 12 noon onwards. A special invitation to newcomers and those who haven't been to St George's in a while - your friends at church would love to see you!
Living in Love and Faith
You have probably seen in the news reports about the Church of England bishops' proposal to provide forms of blessing for same-sex civil marriages. Bishop Anne, Bishop of Aston and Acting Bishop of Birmingham, has written a message about these proposals which you can access here, including links to the proposed services:
I ask you all to pray for this process and to get in touch with me if you'd like to talk about any questions it raises for you.