You are all invited to our Coronation Party on Saturday 6th May, 11am-4pm. All parishioners, local residents and friends are welcome! The day will include live screening of the Coronation service, a bring and share picnic, special performances from B'Opera & the Primary School Choir, and craft activities for all ages. It will be free of charge; please participate in as much as you'd like. All are welcome whether booked or not. So we can estimate numbers, there is a link to register here:
If you are free and would like to help decorate church please come along 9.30am-12noon on Friday. If you are willing to be a steward on the day please email Fr Sam.
The 10 km and half-marathon events take place this Sunday. There will be extensive road closures in Central Birmingham, the Jewellery Quarter and along Pershore Road, cutting routes to St George’s from the South and East. Road access to St George’s remains open via Middleway (A4540) to Five Ways roundabout then Calthorpe Road